Disinflation Is A Bigger Threat Than Inflation

Disinflation, and ultimately deflation, is a more significant threat than inflation over the next two years.

However, in the short term, the spike in inflationary measures is dominating headlines, pushing the Fed to act and squeezing consumers. At more than 7% annualized, such is the highest inflationary rate seen since the 1980s.

Disinflation, Disinflation Is A Bigger Threat Than Inflation

However, if the prices of goods and services remain over the next year, the disinflation will push CPI to zero. More importantly, we already see the month-over-month inflation rates declining towards more normal levels seen since 2009.

Disinflation, Disinflation Is A Bigger Threat Than Inflation

Given the correlation between interest rates, inflation, and economic growth, there are several reasons to expect disinflation in the months ahead. The first is that the composite economic index (Wages, GDP, and Rates) peaked in Q3 of 2021.

Artificial Inflation Is Unsustainable

Another issue with the “persistent inflation” theory is the artificial nature of the inflationary surge. Such was a point we discussed in “Is Hyperinflation A Threat?”